Thursday, April 28, 2011

Food and Medicine: the Belizean Perspective

Food and Medicine: the Belizean Perspective
In America the average perspective of food and medicine is severely Westernized to, what I would argue is, a major fault.  Local food is seen as a new fad, as is organic food and alternative medicine.  Behind that curtain of “what’s in” is also the more slowly emerging idea of viewing food as medicine.  When we step away from our Western worldview we see that local food isn’t a “hip”, new commodity as much as it is the standard, more economical and environmentally sound, way of life in more impoverished nations, such as in Belize.  By interviewing eight locals -seven Belizeans and one Guatemalan- while on a three-week trip (the first two weeks with an Ithaca College Environmental Studies class) I was able to further understand the local perspective on food and medicine.   From a traditional Maya healer to a former chef/restaurant owner to tour guides and local employees I was able to get an interesting culmination of perspectives.  In the interviews I focused on the types of food people eat, the ratio of plant versus animal protein consumed, where their food is coming from, and the role of natural medicine.  Beyond the interviews, I also learned a lot from our time spent in the forest with guides, a tour of the botanical garden, a tour of Chaa Creek’s organic Maya farm, walking the Rainforest Medicine Trail, visiting the local farmers market, as well as the class lectures by Colin Young and Rosita Arvigo. 
Compared to the modern food system, food in Belize seems much closer to the consumer in both physical proximity and mindset.  From what I observed, the majority of fresh food consumed is locally produced, including produce, meat, dairy, and eggs.  Many people at least have their own gardens and raise their own chickens.  The homestay family that I stayed with in the village of Cristo Rey have both a handful of edible/medicinal plants in their yard and several chickens.  They also have several relatives within a few minutes walking distance who have farms producing other crops that they can easily access, such as plantains.  While several people have chickens, they are mainly for producing eggs and only on occasion killed for meat.  Furthermore, although a little over half of the people I interviewed eat meat on a somewhat regular basis, this is much different from that of the average American consumption of meat; instead of being the center of the meal, it is seen more as an accent piece to a dish.  This may be because meat, along with dairy, is more expensive for the average Belizean to consume to the level that many Americans do.  From the Guatemalan tour guide I spoke with (H) it seemed that animal products were even more scarcely consumed in Guatemala due to the expense and were seen as more of a luxury food for special occasions, even though many people in the region I visited, the Petén district, live on or near livestock farms. 

Going beyond looking at how much plant versus animal protein is consumed, I also asked people if they felt that the food they ate affected their health.  Although I wasn’t able to ask that question to every interviewee, the six that I did present that question to gave an unhesitating response agreeing with this idea.  A handful of people expressed that they prefer local food over “American” food and one person (E) even said that when he visited the United States this past fall (2010) he got sick because of the food.  E also explained that he is very strict with what he eats, especially in other places because he wants to make sure it is safe; he feels that he can trust Belizean food because “they know how to cook it properly” and he knows that what he’s eating is grown/processed well.  Another woman I spoke with (L) said that she very rarely eats meat or dairy because it is too acidic for her body and she gets a bad skin reaction from acidic foods.  She used to take “huge pills” for this reaction, however with influence from her own reading and her Maya grandmother she learned to change her diet and to use a bath of gumbolimbo bark to calm the reaction.  With these changes she hasn’t noticed a skin reaction since and says she barely goes to the hospital anymore – she prefers to use mainly natural remedies.  H also believes that Guatemalans are overall healthier because of their diet and says that they work until a very old age.  Polo Romero, the traditional Maya healer we worked with, also expressed his hesitations and concerns with eating meat and dairy: he doesn’t eat dairy and barely eats any meat - only occasional chicken and even more occasional beef (never pork), and only when he knows where it comes from.  One of his reasons for not eating much animal protein is because of all the hormones in the feed for chickens and livestock, even in Belize where it is better than in America; he especially cautioned against eating Mennonite food because of the pesticides and hormones used.  He did however make a point to say that milk is good for you, but not with the hormones in the feed; instead, he makes cohune butter and milk during the dry season. 

Furthermore, although I didn’t meet many vegetarians, people seem to have a much different perspective on the consumption of animal products.  A few people I spoke with knew a few vegetarians, but it didn’t seem like much of a commonplace.  However, they did express how many tourists are vegetarians.  The only strict vegetarian I met was Rosita Arvigo, who was raised in America.  From an ethical perspective, many vegetarians from the United States may very well eat meat on occasion in Belize because it is very easy to know where the food is coming from and factory farms are pretty much obsolete from my understanding.  Surprisingly, something that I found especially shocking was the large amount of food produced for the country of Belize (40%) by the Mennonites; this was an agreement arranged with the government before independence that allowed the Mennonites to live in Belize.
Although most of the people I interviewed seemed to use and prefer natural medicine, there was one middle-aged man (R) who said that he doesn’t know many bush doctors and believes that most of them are “full of crap”; he always goes to the hospital for any ailment.  However, he does know a handful of important plants to help or stay away from when in the rainforest.  R had a story of being bitten by a fer-de-lance while in the bush to go along with his more modern perspective of healing.  He expressed that whenever he is far enough into the rainforest that help would be hard to get if needed he carries anti-venom with him as a safety precaution.  In general, R has a more scientific approach to medicine.  For instance, he was describing how the extremity of snakebites varies depending on many factors: the victims shock/stress level, where the bite was (closer to the heart is more deadly), whether the snake was a baby or an adult (babies don’t know how to control their glands while adults can choose to release different amounts), if the snake just ate then they release less venom, etc.  He also explained that it is extremely important to know what type of snake bites you so you don’t inject the wrong anti-venom and also to know how much venom they released so as not to poison yourself with too much anti-venom by mistake.  This all seems like very good, stable knowledge of healing; it is particularly interesting to see what he chooses to use to his advantage and what he writes off as quackery.  On the reverse of R, my homestay mother (F) has a much different perspective of natural medicine.  F worked alongside Rosita Arvigo in her kitchen at Chaa Creek and learned a great deal from her.  When ailments went beyond her knowledge she would go to see Don Elijio and other bush doctors in the area.  When her daughter was bit by a snake as a young girl she initially took her to the hospital, but ended up taking her to a snake doctor when the hospital wasn’t able to do anything.  She expressed that even now she does not go to the doctor unless it is absolutely necessary and that hospitals are simply too expensive for the average Belizean. From my understanding, Belize is working toward a combination of Western medicine (i.e. anti-venom) and traditional healing (i.e. snake doctors) for the most successful results: “in the same way that Spanish medicine blended with Maya medicine to produce a stronger system, there can be a synthesis of traditional and modern medicines for the benefit of all who seek relief from pain and illness” (Arvigo and Balick 27).
 From being immersed in Belizean culture and speaking directly with locals about their perspectives on food and medicine, I feel that what I saw both lived up to my expectations and also shifted my understanding.  From Rosita Arvigo’s Sastun it made it seem that not that many Belizeans still use traditional methods or care about the food that they are eating.  However, I felt like this was not necessarily true to what I saw.  I would’ve loved to speak with more people, especially ranging in ages from young school children to a more elderly demographic.  Although locals may not be as educated as to why eating the way they do is good for both them and their environment, most I spoke to are aware of the benefits to at least some degree.  I think that both Belizeans and Western society could benefit from further research on the traditional perspective toward food and medicine, as they have a much closer, and inevitably healthier and more sustainable, relationship with their natural world.  Seeing and being a part of this closer relationship was extremely powerful for me and has ever-increased my awareness of food, healing, and the ethics behind it.
Arvigo, Rosita. Sastun. New York: HarperCollins. 1994.
Arvigo, R & Balick, M. (1998).  Rainforest remedies: One hundred healing herbs of
Belize. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Raw Homemade Cashew Milk Recipe and a Brief Ethnographic Insight Into the Overconsumption of Food Products

Since finishing undergraduate classes in January I am now finding the time to keep myself busy by getting back into making more of my food from scratch (nut milks and butters, kombucha, sprouting, etc.).  When I used to eat dairy I would make my own yogurt, but with that predominantly out of my diet I have decided to break the surface of experimenting with the wonderously delicious world of nuts.  My recent palate desire in regards to nuts has been focused on cashews.  I don't have a fancy blender and GreenStar currently doesn't have any nut clothes in stock, so in my impatience I decided to experiment simply with what I had at my disposal.  This definitely passed the test in my book, resulting in a creamy, frothy, deliciously healthy and easy to make nut milk; I can't wait to make other nut milks in the future!

Raw Homemade Cashew Milk

- 3 cups of raw organic cashews
- Water
Some recipes call for a bit of salt and natural sweetener (such as agave), but I personally prefer the unsweetened milk and would rather add that to individual servings later, as desired.

1. Soak Cashews in water overnight - I let mine sit for about 16 hours.  Place the cashews in a bowl, cover with water, cover the bowl, and let them sit on the countertop until step 2.
2. Transfer soaked cashews and water into blender (ideally a Vitamix, but all I have is a very low-grade blender).  Blend until cashews are as broken down as possible.  Add water depending on desired thickness/richness.
3. Strain mixture over a bowl.  This involves pressing of the cashews through the strainer to get as much liquid out as possible.  I still got a few small pieces of cashew in my milk, but I think that only adds to the milk!  For ideal smoothness and no strangling pieces use a nut cloth to strain.
4. Store in a jar or other container in the fridge.  And enjoy in your coffee, tea, cereal, smoothies, etc.!
In addition to yielding delicious cashew milk, i was also left with the cashew pieces that were strained out - to use in addition to smoothies, as a nut butter, etc.

*This recipe can be swapped with any other nut, however nuts with skins (such as almonds) would want to either be peeled after soaking or strained with a nut cloth to remove the skin.

I like to rotate the dairy-free/soy-free milks I drink on a regular basis to both keep my palate excited and to make sure my body doesn't develop an adverse reaction by constantly consuming too much of one food.  This is speaking from personal experience from the overconsumption of soy.  Five years ago when I was mainly vegetarian and realized I had to cut out dairy because it was causing (for over 6 years) extreme headaches daily, I increased my soy intake without realizing the potential repercussions.  Almost instantaneous with my switch to soy milks and soy yogurts, in addition to already consuming tofu and edamame, I plummeted into a deep depression that had no traceable emotional root.  Most people in my life recognize me as a very happy person who has a (somewhat strange) love for academia and learning.  However, at this point in my life I had a hard time finding the drive to go to classes and became quite a recluse.  On my worst days I would find myself crying in my closet for no reason.  Luckily a close family friend in Colorado (the same friend who questioned my dairy intake in relation to chronic headaches) asked about my soy consumption.  As soon as my mother relayed this question I researched side effects of soy only to find out that I had many of the symptoms: weight gain (due to thyroid problems caused by phytoestrogens in soy), mood swings, depression, and even had a severe case of conjunctivitis (pink eye).  I immediately cut soy out of my diet completely and haven't experienced that emotional dis ease since.  Although I have never been diagnosed by my health practitioner to have an allergic reaction or intolerance to dairy or soy, I definitely have seen my body's adverse reactions to both of these foods and have chosen not to have to feel that way again.

I'm not too sure if I have always been allergic to soy or if I developed an allergy because of extreme overconsumption.  I have tried to eat it in small amounts (i.e. soy milk in my coffee when I'm not at home and another alternative is unavailable, a couple pieces of tofu here and there, etc.) and I was still feeling stomach pains until I cut it out almost completely; I do consume wheat-free tamari on small occasion (mainly just with sushi and sauces) - this is only because it is fermented and much easier for the body to digest.

This personal experience with food has led me to a better understanding of how what I put in my body truly affects my well-being, both physical and emotional.  That in turn has furthered my interest in studying food and medicine, and sharing this information with others.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chia Pudding with Mango (vegan, raw, gluten-free!)

There are many nutritional benefits to the often overlooked chia seeds, which are now gaining more publicity as a "superfood".  Among these benefits Chia seeds contain Omega 3 (30%) & 6 (40%) oil, are rich in calcium, magnesium, and iron, are easily digestible, are rich in antioxidants and fiber, and are a complete protein, containing all 9 amino-acids.  Chia seeds are beneficial to diabetics because they slow down how fast the body converts carbohydrate calories into simple sugars.  They are also consumed by athletes because they increase endurance by being hydrophilic (naturally high water absorption); this in turn also helps dieters by making them feel full faster and for a more extended period of time.  For more information check out William Anderson's article "Chia Seed - The Ancient Food of the Future" and James F. Scheer's book The Magic of Chia: Revival of an Ancient Wonder Food, among many other informative sites/publications.

Chia Pudding with Mango (vegan, raw, gluten-free!)
- 3/4 cup chia seeds
- 2 cups almond milk (or other non-dairy milk of choice - coconut is delicious!)

- 3-5 pitted dates (amount depends on personal preference for sweetness)
- Cinnamon and vanilla extract to taste

- Mango or other fruit of choice for topping (optional)
Yields 3-4 servings.

1. Blend dates with a small amount of non-dairy milk in a food processor until they are fairly broken down - it takes a long time to get all the chunks out and I normally get too impatient to keep food processing them to that point... so, as long as most of the chunks are out, I am satisfied (it's also pretty tasty to get surprise chunks of date in a bite while eating!).
2. Mix all ingredients, except fruit, and let sit for approximately 30 minutes.  Stir once in a while; at first it will seem like there is too much liquid, but over time the chia seeds will absorb this.  The chia seeds will begin to look plump and gelatinous (it will look similar to tapioca pudding).
3. Serve with fresh fruit on top and enjoy!

This is just a base recipe - as long as the first two ingredients are there you can create your own endlessly delicious variations!  For instance, adding raw cacao powder is also extremely delicious (and another healthy superfood!) for all you chocolate lovers out there!!

Chia seeds are also a great addition when sprinkled in smoothies, salads, etc.  Let your imagination run wild!  I'd love to hear of new ways of consuming this wonderfully strange food - please comment if you have an interesting recipe :)