Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to Make Violet Jam

Today is the first day I've had off in a week and a rainy day at that, what better time for jam making?  I wanted to allot more time since this was been my first (of I hope many!) jam making experience(s).  Please see my previous post on Violet Syrup for harvesting violets and the health benefits.  Here I will simply include the recipe and some interesting ideas for what to serve it with.
Jam will be a beautiful pinkish/peach color! (The lemon juice changes it from it's natural blueish/purple color)


1 (packed) cup violet blossoms
1 cup water

juice of one lemon
1/2 cup honey
pectin (I used 1/2 of a Sure-Jell box)
yields: three and half 8 oz. jam jars
First wash all jars thoroughly and sterilize jars & lids with hot water while making the jam.
1. Blend violets, 1/2 of the water and lemon juice.
2. Heat remaining water and honey in a saucepan and bring to a low boil.
3. Add pectin and stir until mixed well.
4. Add pectin/honey mix to blender. Blend again until smooth.
5. Transfer the jam into the canning jar(s), clean/dry the brim of the jar, put lids on tight (turning 1/4 inch back) and flip jar upside down to sit until cool.

Suggestions for Consumption

So Delicious Coconut Vanilla Ice-cream - I can only imagine that the addition of Emmy's Organics Raw/V/Gf Chocolate Sauce would make this even more mind-blowing!!

Coconut Vanilla Ice-cream w/ violet jam

*More suggestions to come soon!

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